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Fighting Bad Smells In Your Washrooms

It can become difficult maintaining a consistently high level of hygiene within shared washrooms, especially during peak-times.

No matter how educated your visitors are on hygiene standards, most people will associate a bad smell with poor hygiene. Worryingly, washrooms perceived as unhygienic can drive up to a third of customers and visitors away, reduce the likelihood of return visits and reflect badly on a business reputation. 

Having a structured cleaning routine is an important step to maintaining a hygienic, fresh-smelling washroom environment.

This video introduces a selection of ideas to consider when looking to provide fresh and hygienic washrooms, at all times.

Following each of the recommendations below will help you make your washroom environment more welcoming and hygienic:

  • Check and maintain your ventilation regularly.
  • Target bad smells with the right solution.
  • Adjust flush settings to your footfall.
  • Clean walls and all exposed surfaces.
  • Educate the washroom user.
  • Use effective disposal systems.

Suggested Products For You

Use our Premium scenting solutions to make a real difference to your brand. See how we can help you trigger positive memories, emotions and loyalty.

Our fan and spray air fresheners dispense controlled fragrances and reassure users that your washroom is cared for.

Give female visitors the sanitary solution they deserve – our no touch sanitary bins are ultra-hygienic and exceptionally comfortable to use.