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Billing & Accounts FAQs

Where can I find out more about pricing?

Your local account manager will be assigned to help fully understand your business needs before recommending a customised solution at an affordable price for you.

When and how frequently do I need to order?

Your local account manager will liase with you directly to develop a deep understanding of your businesses specific needs. Meaning we will always confirm that your cailities are stocked at the correct times and with the right amount of supplies. Therefore you should not need to order any new stock, however, if you do experience a sudden decrease or overuse of a product; dont hesitate to contact us.

How long does a contract last for?

An average tenure of services would range from 12 to 24 months but fortunately most of our clients tend to stay with us for much longer!

Who will be managing my account? Who will be delivering the service?

Your contract will have an assigned local account manager, supported by a professional and responsive customer service team. Your local service technicians will deliver you the service.

Can I make electronic payments?

We will provide simple itemised invoices at predetermined intervals, allowing you a variety of payment options which include credit or debit cards, certified and personal checks.